Posts in Growth
Breathing Easy, Stress Relieving Breathing Techniques and How To Do Them

Not all breathing is created equal. Different breathing techniques, also known as breath work, can have profound effects on our physical and mental wellbeing. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective breathing techniques for stress relief, including box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and alternate nostril breathing. We will also discuss how these techniques affect the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the benefits of incorporating breath work into a meditation practice.

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Spring Cleaning Strategy

…passing on heirlooms to loved ones or rehoming unnecessary things to those in need to ultimately alleviate the burden on loved ones after passing on. There is a great joy in sharing, even in this time of social distancing we can find ways to be kind to ourselves and others. This is temporary while our relationships with others are of the highest importance…”

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Terra-Core Review

Take on the Terra Core and by incorporating resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags, or anything else my wild imagination can dream up I have a lot of fun toying with my own limits within the confines of my jam packed schedule. Giving this product to me takes a grand level of trust in your manufacturing knowing if it can be jumped on, I will. If it could be broken it would be.

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Ta-Da Lists are the New To-Do List

This is when I discovered Ta-Da lists! To-do lists can be stressful and that’s probably why we all lose them or even ignore them. In my own experience it can be detrimental to focus on the small things that we didn’t do when the two items you crossed off the list were the most arduous and intimidating to complete. 

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Torturing Friends: Lessons in Life

“He was being a wonderful sport as I had him dangling by his feet, I definitely respect the way the guy allows me to torture him“

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