Go Sweat Social
Go Sweat Social!
Let’s go! Dig deep! You got this! I can still hear the battle cries of bonding echo through the gymnasiums of my youth should I close my eyes this second, placing myself on the court or field of any sport I have ever touched. Many of those cheers and hollers came from me, a lead by example human, as a teammate or a Captain I always wanted everyone to feel valued and supported. I can’t help I was born with the nurturing skills of a grandmother. Today I continue to live with the same mission wanting everyone to feel valued and do their best.
Athletics is a great equalizer taking the CEO of a fortune 500 company, a teacher, a trainer, and truly welcome walk of life to find the limits of their physicality. As adults there is no catharsis greater than allowing your body to sob in sweat. There is nothing more powerful than accomplishing something together or facing a struggle as a unit. Team sports gift you family who is passionate about the same wild thing you love enough to spend hours doing daily. As an adult the marvelous deep friendships I’ve been lucky to make have been born out of the greatest adventures I’ve had in this body. Fitness can be fun if you let it. Everyone has a story and something they are spectacular at.
Waxing poetic about the joys of sweating might get gross quick but life is gross, hard, and often lonely without a tribe. I have been so privilege to be extroverted enough to always be the friend who can do the thing. Willful as I am to become another person’s friend I am honored to have accumulated so many brilliant people and experiences in my years thus far. I tried to bottle it but you can’t take the essence of friendship place it in a Ball jar then can it for years to come. I wish to share what I’ve learned chasing after my place in the world by acknowledging my quest has brought me home give it back to the people who packed my bag of tricks and sent me cartwheeling on to my next lesson. For the people who bravely believed I would be tough enough to do it all and come home.
This isn’t going to be a Globo Gym.
I will be inviting you to Go Sweat Social where all levels, abilities, and ages can work together and meet my idea baby. I love you for joining me in however you feel comfortable to show up.