Posts tagged Fitness
Terra-Core Review

Take on the Terra Core and by incorporating resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags, or anything else my wild imagination can dream up I have a lot of fun toying with my own limits within the confines of my jam packed schedule. Giving this product to me takes a grand level of trust in your manufacturing knowing if it can be jumped on, I will. If it could be broken it would be.

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Torturing Friends: Lessons in Life

“He was being a wonderful sport as I had him dangling by his feet, I definitely respect the way the guy allows me to torture him“

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Reiki: What is it? What is a Reiki Master

“Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese seeker of spiritual truths, brought the Reiki method of healing into human awareness in 1922 after a deep spiritual experience. He is said to have begun teaching others after a serious earthquake hit Japan and he felt urged to spread his knowledge”

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