Still Water Fitness
As far back as I can remember I’ve been climbing into tubs, whirlpools, or trashcans full of water at an uncomfortable temperature then crawling out with either my heart racing or body partially numb to enter a shower that would bring be back from where ever I had to take myself. I don’t make a secret of how little I like sitting still but if the hellish feelings give results you know you can find me at least waist deep, unflinching in the pain of whatever I’m in.
If I had to choose I would choose an ice bath over an epsom soak since I always make the water to hot and then have to wait watching the salt crystals dissolve and taunt me from outside the tub. Once I nail a non scalding temperature the epsom soak will take the lead against the wildly arduous task of arranging an ice bath in my home. It takes a lot more ice than a party to fill a tub which I always buy at the store and drag home with me and then it’s only a ten to fifteen minutes of frozen glory before you have to get out and then shower yourself warm. If I had an industrial ice maker then I would really be unstoppable. They are a little expensive and huge but if someone wants to sponsor my discomfort in the name of fitness feel free to mail one to my house. There’s really nothing better than a quick dip in an icy trash can after a summer workout.
By reading this far I’m sure you’re wondering why I like this or whats wrong with me; I am an adrenaline junkie who likes to workout HARD and the magnesium in the epsom salts obliterate any soreness and relax me. I add essential oils like lavender to relax or eucalyptus to refresh. The ice baths evolved out of soaking my shin splints in a gatorade tub talking to the Athletic Trainer Heather who treated me so well she kept better tabs on me not accidentally starving than I did. I’ve always been active and suffered from the female athlete triad and a young teen, she always looked out for my eating after that. It was a love of moving and not stopping to eat enough.
Ice baths help with inflammation and even though I’m freezing my rump off I have warm fuzzies of times with Heather, icy whirlpools with teammates in college, or climbing into a garbage can filled with ice next to my best friend. It worked and it makes me happy. I always feel much better after doing either soak and that’s worth it when I’m flipping on trampolines, running at obstacles, and lifting more than anyone I know weighs. The heat also relaxes me an that should have me doing it every night.
When I don’t do them I also feel it and see myself not move at the same lightning pace so to be MY most vibrant self I need to take time to tune up the engine. VROOM.
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