Emotional Body: Knees

In the realm of holistic wellness, the intricate interplay between our emotional, metaphysical, and etheric bodies often manifests physically, offering us profound insights into our inner landscape. Let's delve into the fascinating world of knee health and its profound emotional and spiritual significance.

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Turmeric: Unveiling the Elixir of Vitality - Navigating the Realm of Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

why, you may ask, are anti-inflammatory supplements of such paramount importance? Ah, my dear friends, the answer lies in the silent epidemic that plagues our modern world: chronic inflammation. From the depths of our sedentary lifestyles to the heights of our processed diets, inflammation festers like a wound that refuses to heal. It lurks behind a myriad of ailments, from arthritis to heart disease, from diabetes to Alzheimer's.

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Yoga Nidra; Yogic Sleep

Yoga Nidra, often hailed as the "yogic sleep," stands as a testament to the profound wisdom encapsulated within ancient yogic traditions. It is a practice that transcends the boundaries of conventional meditation, inviting practitioners to traverse the labyrinthine depths of their inner landscapes while anchored in the tranquility of the present moment.

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Astaxanthin,Pronounced -asta like pasta and -xanthin like “zan-thin,” this antioxidant really should be a part of your beauty arsenal a potent antioxidant, is a carotenoid pigment found in various organisms. Its vibrant red hue is what gives salmon, shrimp, and flamingos their distinctive coloration. Beyond aesthetics, astaxanthin boasts an array of health benefits, making it a sought-after supplement in the wellness community.

This powerful antioxidant exhibits remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate oxidative stress and mitigate the risk of chronic diseases. Studies suggest that astaxanthin may aid in reducing markers of inflammation, thereby supporting overall health and well-being.

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Megan Sherlock
The Emotional Roots of Eating Disorders

In the realm of holistic healing, our bodies serve as mirrors reflecting the state of our innermost thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Eating disorders, whether manifested as overeating, undereating, or unhealthy eating habits, often stem from unresolved emotional wounds and imbalances within our energetic being.

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Megan Sherlock
Orthorexia Athletica: Losing at all Costs

Athletes, ethereal creatures are always held to a different standard and the expectation is clear what an athlete’s body is like, the metrics of performance directly visible through competition. In most uniforms, little is hidden. Pushing a compulsion to move that began as peace can devolve into something darker and as a swan moves majestically across water the effort goes unseen. Moving beyond competition and consuming an athlete’s day, eroding any sense of peace Orthorexia Athletica pirouettes amidst the meticulous choreography of dietary perfection. Performance is the excuse and the model is optimization at all costs.

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Megan Sherlock
Baked Brioche French Toast

I take tremendous pride in making decadent and indulgent treats so when I was floating through Rockland Bakery (on the aromas of breads and sweets) shopping with eyes far larger than my stomach I came across the most beautiful loaf of braided brioche(Since it was made with butter, it’s brioche) Overnight Brioche French Toast for a Crowd

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Megan Sherlock
"Coffee Talk" All About Your Favorite Psychoactive

What is the history of coffee, and what is it about this drink that makes it so appealing to so many? And what about the effect of coffee on the brain? Is there really something to the buzz that coffee provides? Explore the history of coffee, its impact on the brain, and the science behind caffeine, the most commonly used psychoactive.

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Megan Sherlock
Unsweetened: The hidden side of calorie-free sweetener

Once a harbinger of guilt-free indulgence, sugar substitutes, such as stevia, now pervade our pantries and permeate our palates, promising a sweet escape from the clutches of refined sugar. Marketed as a healthier alternative, these zero-calorie wonders adorn grocery store shelves, luring us with their low-calorie allure. Yet, beneath their saccharine facade, lurk a range of side effects that often go unnoticed, leaving a bitter aftertaste in our pursuit of a guiltless indulgence.

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Megan Sherlock
The GOAT of Oats

Incorporating a variety of oats and grains into your diet can provide numerous health benefits due to their high fiber, vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content. These grains can support digestive health, heart health, blood sugar control, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the best oats and grains for your individual dietary needs and health goals.

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Megan Sherlock
What is Glyphosate? All your questions answered.

Studies have revealed that glyphosate is not as benign as it may seem. Its pervasive use has been linked to a myriad of health issues, ranging from cancer to reproductive disorders, neurological impairments to endocrine disruptions. Glyphosate has infiltrated our environment, contaminating our air, water, and soil. It has infiltrated our food system, tainting our crops and infiltrating our dinner plates. It has infiltrated our bodies, leaving a toxic residue that lingers long after the initial exposure.

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Megan Sherlock
Histamine; Meaner than you dreamed

Allergies: Histamine is a key player in allergic reactions. When the immune system detects an allergen, such as pollen, pet dander, or dust mites, it triggers the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils. Histamine then binds to receptors in the respiratory tract, skin, and other tissues, leading to the characteristic symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, and skin rashes.

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Megan Sherlock
Chocolate: Are we exaggerating the antioxidant potential of a dessert?

The negative impact of sugar on the antioxidant properties of chocolate may depend on the amount and type of sugar consumed, as well as the overall diet and lifestyle factors. Consuming chocolate with added sugars in moderation, as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, may still provide some antioxidant benefits. However, choosing dark chocolate with minimal added sugars or opting for sugar-free alternatives can help maximize the antioxidant potential of chocolate and promote overall health.

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Megan Sherlock
Sustainable Haus Mercantile, NJ

As an adventurer and health enthusiast when a new store offering goods in alignment with my values opens I do my best to get there. In an age where brick and mortar stores are closing the team at Sustainable Haus Mercantile are creating a community and passionately teaching on a wide range health and planet-conscious topics.

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