Emotional Body: Understanding Back Pain
Understanding Back Pain
Processing the burdens and fears stored in your emotional body.
Joint by joint theory states that beginning at the ground every other joint should be mobile. Our hips mobile(link to last article) making our lumbar vertebrae stable. Stable joints like your elbow have one range of motion but that does not mean that they can’t be effected by tightness in other parts of the body. Our bodies are brilliantly crafted and adaptable in so many ways that when the hips or thoracic spine become too tight the lumbar portion of our spine is often faced with the fallout of being destabilized.
Burdens and Fear
Processing, transmuting, and changing the way you move through life will change how your body moves through everything.
A lot of our issues here are set up in our lifestyle at 5 we head to kindergarten and begin our jobs as students to learn and the years we spend seated are detrimental to our core stability. I know my elementary school didn’t have ergonomic chairs and I venture to bet yours didn’t either. Fortunately rectifying movement inhibitions is always far easier than creating them as intention actions are always more powerful that passive encounters.
Here’s the deal my beautiful bambinos:
We’re going to unearth the deep painful emotions that throw off your intuition and even your digestion with our next stop at the sacral chakra
The Sacral Chakra: