Paws On Activities for Callused Hands

I have spent the better part of this morning cutting callus off my fingertips, the mounds of my little fingers have grown little muscles of their own that aid in things I once imagined as miraculous and out of reach. To my delight more things are within that reach despite being a tiny bird myself I have a lot of power in this wingspan. Shaving, smoothing, and buffing callus isn’t something they warn you about when you get into weightlifting, climbing or any endeavor that involves your hands. Ballerinas for example are stunning athletes and their feet require extra TLC. As a runner I have had my own dives into taking care of my feet myself but my hands are another story all their own with a lifetime of painting and drawing I was always aware of the discrepancy there once was between my paws when it came to grip. I let that go and flew on to stabilize the strength of my hands to transfer fluidly while in motion. 

That’s probably when I began to notice everyone’s nails. Mercurial to say the least it is said we notice the parts of the body that the nervous system can control best and the nerve endings in your fingers and toes are miraculous testaments to human engineering. Gaining more movement and control meant my hands held on tighter and my skin hardened under the pressure. Having razors for the palms of your hands sounds like something my Nana might laugh at and then pat me on the butt before we broke out some cake since I looked hungry. I am always hungry. She was mercurial as well and I know she with her mother of pearl nail polish would agree I needed to ready my paws for my nail appointment.

I cannot help but admire what would be wildly dangerous for me when it comes to nails I don’t think I could handle the responsibility of anything pointy and even my trigger finger won’t budge on this impulse because the freedom to move changes when you rip a nail off. I saw it happen only once and I do not need to experience it to know how painful it looked. There is a lot of anxiety when you have tiny hands that when flipped over reveal your laborious pursuits, to no one’s surprise I don’t care to hear it. I know I will even after I spent two hours and using everything but an electric sander to buff them into submission I’ll still get a comment from the nail tech. Just like everything I do I can handle it better when I did my best and I love how much my hands can do; reiki, walking on them, creating art, petting animals, giving the best back rubs, among other wonderful things. I am eternally grateful for all they do, maybe I’ll pay them back with a few more manicures.

