Posts tagged Healthy Living
Emotional Body: Knees

In the realm of holistic wellness, the intricate interplay between our emotional, metaphysical, and etheric bodies often manifests physically, offering us profound insights into our inner landscape. Let's delve into the fascinating world of knee health and its profound emotional and spiritual significance.

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Bee Healthy, Honey

Buying honey from a supermarket means that you’re potentially buying honey that was sourced from around the globe, including some countries that routinely dilute their honey with syrups and other questionable fillers.  The rule that you get what you pay for really applies to honey, and if you get an unbelievable price, then don’t believe it’s 100% honey.  

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Torturing Friends: Lessons in Life

“He was being a wonderful sport as I had him dangling by his feet, I definitely respect the way the guy allows me to torture him“

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