Quarantine Tips from the Designated Fun Friend

From the desk of the Designated Fun Friend

Quarantine SurVival Tips

In every group of friends I am apart of I have claimed my role as the designated fun friend. I think it is a deep kindness that no one calls me granola-crunching-meathead-crystal-loving-zealot to my face and I recognize I add a lot of razzamatazz to stressful situations. The core of being fun relies upon understanding what you and other people need, the road to being the designated fun friend is driven in a mom car while you’re wearing a onesie and blasting the perfectly crafted playlist. (It’s an art and you can find all of mine here and read an article on it here.) You ride at any hour a friend is upset and you bring snacks.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”(Spiderman) I am so much better at being fun than Spiderman ever was. If you want to be the the ray of sunshine in the lives of the people who matter to you through all of this the first skill you must master is how to handle pressure. I thrive under pressure and it provides me with incredible clarity the essential trick here is to recognize what is important and be capable of focusing on an outcome over everything. Don’t sweat the small stuff, people are sensitive. 

Add Something

Did you read something interesting? Pass the book or article on. Clean out your closet and find an old board game? We all have time to play an unabridged monopoly right now, gather around and enjoy each other. If you can bake, cook, or do anything that could give you joy that you could share make this the time you do it for others. This is a great time to embrace your best self, who you already are. Let go of the past we are only here for a short time, make it a good one.

Bickering isn’t worth it, I would paint that on my body and streak down the streets screaming it. Sadly, I cannot as it is a little chilly and mostly because there are public decency laws forcing me to write about it instead. (on that note I recommend “Apples to Apples” over “Monopoly”)


We live in an incredible, digital world as physical creatures. Send a text to a friend, send a meme, send an email. The best part of being a designated fun friend is sprinkling fun or more dog photos into their lives. Facetime is more than an app on your phone and if you can make a call. I think video phone calls are a beautiful way to give your friends or family your full attention. Keep in mind if you call me directly I tell everyone I love them, in my defense, I do.

Learn Something

Knit, play an instrument, jump rope, handstand, a language, crochet, try that tiktok dance, or makeup tutorial. Allow your mind a sense of joy and wonder while giving yourself an opportunity to grow. This is a fitness professional and an athlete telling you there are other things than getting fit during your time inside, things that could allow you to connect with your family even if it’s just to laugh at becoming the I.T. department. 

You can take your whole gang on virtual field trips through Google here. Virtually visit places and have as much fun in your togetherness as possible.

Long walks or runs can do magic for a stressful situation and are a great way to be healthy. Fresh air is incredible. You are incredible. At first my perpetually thrilled and delighted self was excited to see people focus on health, now I see such a heavy push by “health” companies to capitalize off fear. I want to run from how the health and wellness industry is holding itself in a crisis but they’re panicked too. Allowing people or even corporations to have their meltdowns is key when being the designated fun friend. We all need to feel needed, loved, have a laugh, and feed our curiosity. 

If you like stand up comedy find a comedian you like and check out their podcasts, enjoy audio books, clean out that closet, or hang out with your dog who has never been happier. Pets are so happy to have you around right now. Do what feels right and try your best not to greet anyone with an open mouth kiss or a handshake. As a hugger these are dire times and the greatest news is dogs can’t COVID-19 so give them all the love you can.

There’s something miraculous about these unprecedented times that we’re living in, there have been big diseases before it’s the way we share and digest information that has changed the most since those times. If we handle this correctly it should seem like an overreaction. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and try and add joy where you can.

Megan A. Sherlock is personal trainer and competitive athlete who holds certifications geared towards performance, transformation, and a degree in contemporary art/media production that has made life exhilarating.

(sessions, social media, and everything in between)

All inquiries: stronger@sherlockfit.com