Posts tagged fitness professional
Emotional Body: Knees

In the realm of holistic wellness, the intricate interplay between our emotional, metaphysical, and etheric bodies often manifests physically, offering us profound insights into our inner landscape. Let's delve into the fascinating world of knee health and its profound emotional and spiritual significance.

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"Handful" The Greatest Compliment

“… a quick escape from your perspiration prison featuring a front zip with an internal closure making it easier to zip. That isn’t even the best part! My breast friends are always in need of support…”

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Reiki: What is it? What is a Reiki Master

“Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese seeker of spiritual truths, brought the Reiki method of healing into human awareness in 1922 after a deep spiritual experience. He is said to have begun teaching others after a serious earthquake hit Japan and he felt urged to spread his knowledge”

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You're Dead Inside? Are you Rhabdomyolysis Dead Inside?

“Myoglobin is the protein that stores oxygen in your muscles and as a doctor kindly explained it to me; “you have so much dead muscle it’s shredding your kidneys” I kindly replied; “Thanks doc, I always aim to be both shredded and dead inside”

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