Your Emotional Body: The Reality of Hip Mobility

A wise woman Shakira once said that “Hips don’t lie” it is the GOSPEL TRUTH and let me twerk this one out for you right here. Your hip mobility is your root chakra and if your roots are not doing well the rest of you might need some TLC. 

The Science:

If you want to back that thing up and reverse it any time soon let me tell you a TAIL of how this amazing joint CAN work. The hip like the shoulder is a ball in socket synovial joint, the way the muscle is formed around the hip at the gluteus maxiumus (one of your butt muscles) will prevent you from doing that sweet back stroke with your legs the same way you can with your arms. There is so much to tap into when it comes to hip strength because with limited mobility comes limited range of motion most importantly USABLE range of motion is not FLEXIBILITY and a lack of either limits strength, and endurance. Glutes are dense powerful muscles evolved to carry your moving body on foot and not hands and feet by integrating mobility into your strength training you will harness more power for your lifts, last longer on your runs, your knees and back will feel pain relief(oh yes) and you’ll be using this well evolved machine you pilot even better. Yes, you’re amazing.

Root Chakra’s role in hip mobility

Muladhara is the sanskrit name of the root/base chakra. I, a bachelor of the arts turned barbell jockey, have a self five everyday when I’m feeling extra spiritual. Life is more fun this way. Moving along to moving let me welcome you to your metaphysical body. 

Kids/Wild Things:

Did you know your injuries are manifestations of things you’re holding onto? If you begin learning about something and plan to build something new you have to start at the bottom, the root, the base, and build from there. 

Muladhara your amazing root chakra is your body’s primal energy center where the fire of the kundalini is lit, the chakra itself sits between the base of your spine and your groin. The spine is your body’s support and the chakra is linked to your relationship with safety, trust, instinct, and overall survival. These are the Mommy/Daddy issues you have to quit kidding yourself about, the painful thoughts about danger you pushed out of your head, and that rubbish relationship you deserve better than. I’m only here for your hips today though. Mobility along with other physical symptoms can be a sign of what you’re being too “tight” the plane your moving in that feels the pain and the side you’re feeling pain or tightness on has meaning too. Shit doesn’t hurt for no reason.

Everything has a reason and that is the BEST PART. Now you will have answers to questions you didn’t ask. You’re welcome. 

Your Body:

Right Side is your Masculine, Yang, giving side, the blade, the north, the sun, dominant, analytical, fire, light

Left Side is your Feminine, Yin, receiving side, the chalice, the south, the moon, passive, intuitive, water, dark

There are things written in all cultures that describe the energy flow between the sides, I grew up Roman Catholic and now I’m going to address and dispel that the devil sits on your left shoulder with some pragmatism only a Libra with Virgo rising can do. Where there is dark there will again be light and the sun rises every single day. 


Tim Grover who trained the likes of Michael Jordan, Dwayne Wade, Kobe Bryant, countless other household names, and revolutionized the sport of basketball by integrating strength training without losing shots believes that an athletes dark side gives them power and strengthens their mental game. Summary: You want to live in the light you’re going to have to learn in the dark.

Thinking about yourself as a tree rooted in the ground how impacted you are by the environment you are immerse in.

Start by thinking about yourself a little bit more.

Stay tuned I am going to work my way up through the chakras and my integrative approach to strength. Welcome Wild Things.